Beethoven Wars. - Concert
I did some artistic supervision on the movie accompanying the orchestra. Here's a selection of the paintings I did.
Direction : Arthur Qwak
Studios : Je Suis Bien Content, Les Improductibles
Character Layouts :  Jérémie Hoarau, Emmanuelle Fleury, Nicolas Pavlowski & Clément Bardonneau.
Blue Eye Samurai. 
I did lots of matte paintings on episode 106 - 107 - 108 on the Emmy nominated Netflix Show. Here's a few of them.
Studios : Netflix, Blue Spirit
I was hired to handle the majority of the backgrounds of the teaser.
Studio : Andarta Pictures
Director : Florian Perron
Perspectives. - Board Game
I did a few of unused concepts for the mystery solving type game.
Client : Space CowBoys
Endless Dungeon.
I worked on three cinematic trailers for the video game, mostly on the colorboards. I also provided a few extra concepts and matte paintings.
Studios : Supamonks, Amplitude
Clash Royale.
I was hired to provide concepts and matte paintings for this trailer.
Studios : Supamonks, Supercell
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